
74 indicates that you are badly out of touch with this important field. Some of the data Gisele brought back from Europe indicates that they have the girl" quite definitely located in the right temporal lobe of the brain, with definitely recog- nizable wave patterns (which Gisele produced twice, in duplicate tests). I hope my visit to Sweden this Fall will result in further information. However, the US is not entirely idle: Dr. M. Clynes of the biocybernetics laboratory of Rockland State Hospital, Orangeburg, N.Y. recently announced that his EEG data (on people in general, not a study on TV) after com- puter analysis correlates strongly with the subject's visual activity and that this correlation does not vary from one person to another. While this is far short of analysing the "girl within", I shall follow Dr. Clynes' program with particular interest.

7-Admittedly, my letter took an extremist view- point, but - as I hinted on page 64 - there is every reason to expect a relationship between the social atmosphere and the expression or repression of the "girl within".. (How I envy the teen-age TVs of today, with more money, an atmosphere that grows more per- missive every day, and unlimited access to materials that would have freed me from many of the shabby ex- pedients to which I had to resort!) No doubt the family atmosphere also has its effect, though your own report on the "390 Cases" seems to indicate this is minor. In addition, there may well be some at- mospheres in which the latent circuits are never triggered off and so do not have to be repressed or expressed.


8-On the latter point, our argument is on the level of the philosophy of causality as if you were saying that a forest fire was "caused" by someone dropping a match, and I were insisting that it was "caused" by a drought which made the forest a tinder- box. Neither of us can hope to win that sort of argument, and I welcome your gesture towards com- promise on page 81. It seems to me that your theory